This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Introduction to Machine Learning with Scikit Learn

An introduction to machine learning.


A basic understanding of Python. You will need to know how to write a for loop, if statement, use functions, libraries and perform basic arithmetic. Either of the Software Carpentry Python courses cover sufficient background.


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Introduction What is machine learning?
What are some useful machine learning techniques?
00:40 2. Supervised methods - Regression What is supervised learning?
What is regression?
How can I model data and make predictions using regression methods?
02:40 3. Supervised methods - Classification How can I classify data into known categories?
03:40 4. Ensemble methods What are ensemble methods?
What are random forests?
How can we stack estimators in sci-kit learn?
05:40 5. Unsupervised methods - Clustering What is unsupervised learning?
How can we use clustering to find data points with similar attributes?
06:40 6. Unsupervised methods - Dimensionality reduction How do we apply machine learning techniques to data with higher dimensions?
07:40 7. Neural Networks What are Neural Networks?
How can we classify images using a neural network?
08:30 8. Ethics and the Implications of Machine Learning What are the ethical implications of using machine learning in research?
08:45 9. Find out more Where can you find out more about machine learning?
08:55 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.