ML+X Forum

Each monthly ML+X forum highlights two ML applications that share a theme followed by communal discussions and project feedback.

Chris Endemann


November 9, 2021

About this resource

Hosted by the ML+X community, this monthly forum event highlights two machine learning (ML) applications that share a theme (e.g., computer vision, time-series analysis, generative models, LLMs, bias and ethics, etc.) followed by communal discussions and project feedback. Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned expert in ML, participating in the ML+X forum can help you stay informed on:

  • best practices and limitations of ML
  • recent developments in ML including new models, tools, and theory
  • methods to efficiently deploy & maintain ML systems (“MLOps”)
  • ethical considerations of ML and impact on society

The Nexus platform maintains a full playlist of past forums found under Highlights.

Join the next live forum!

  • Where: Orchard View Room (rm. 3280), Discovery Building & via Zoom.
  • When: Typically monthly on Tuesdays, 12-1pm CT. Join the Google group to receive a calendar invite (with Zoom link) and other updates. Please email us if you have any trouble joining.

Share Your Work!

We encourage anyone who is using ML in their work to present at one of the ML+X forums. If interested, please fill out this brief presenter sign-up form.


If you any lingering questions about this resource, please feel free to post to the Nexus Q&A on GitHub. We will improve materials on this website as additional questions come in.