Overview of Reproducibility Lecture


Chris Endemann


July 12, 2024

About this resource

Dr. Sarah Stevens’ lecture highlights the critical importance of reproducibility in computational and data science projects. She also shares best practices to ensure reproducible results including:

  • How to organize your project
  • Good names for files/folders
  • Documenting your work and README files
  • How to organize data in spreadsheets and use data dictionaries
  • Automation with scripts
  • Version control
  • Licensing
  • Creating backups


If you any lingering questions about this resource, please feel free to post to the Nexus Q&A on GitHub. We will improve materials on this website as additional questions come in.

See also

  • Guide: Version Control with GitHub Desktop: GitHub Desktop is a graphical user interface (GUI) application that simplifies the use of Git and GitHub. It is designed for users who prefer not to use the command line interface, offering a more intuitive and visual approach to version control. With GitHub Desktop, you can easily perform common Git tasks such as committing changes, creating branches, and resolving merge conflicts, all within a user-friendly interface.
  • Workshop: Intro to Version Control with Git: If you’re curious to learn how to use Git via shell commands (or just want to become more fluent with Git), check out this YouTube playlist from the Data Science Hub!