This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Exploring high dimensional data


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 2 min
  • What is a high dimensional dataset?

  • Define a dimension, index, and observation

  • Define, identify, and give examples of high dimensional datasets

  • Summarize the dimensionality of a given dataset

Introduction - what is high dimensional data?

What is data?


/ˈdadə, ˈdādə/ noun “the quantities, characters, or symbols on which operations are performed by a computer”

—Oxford Languages

(how is data formatted? structured, semi-structured, unstructured: flat file, json, raw text)

There is a conversion to numerical representation happening here

A rectangular dataset: Original data set not rectangular, might require conversion that produces high dimensional rectangular data set.

We’re discussing structured, rectangular data only today.

What is a dimension?


/dəˈmen(t)SH(ə)n, dīˈmen(t)SH(ə)n/

noun noun: dimension; plural noun: dimensions

  1. a measurable extent of some kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height.
  2. an aspect or feature of a situation, problem, or thing.

—Oxford Languages

A Tabular/Rectangular Data Context

A Schematic of the arrangement of Tabular Data with columns/features rows/observations

Each row is an observation, is a sample.

Each column is a feature, is a dimension.

The index is not a dimension.

A Dataset

  1. Some number of observations > 1
  2. every feature of an observation is a dimension
  3. the number of observations i.e. the index, is not a dimension

Examples of datasets with increasing dimensionality

1 D

  1. likert scale question (index: respondent_id, question value (-3 to 3)

2 D

  1. scatter plot (x, y)
  2. two question survey (index: respondent_id, q1 answer, q2 answer)
  3. data from temperature logger: (index: logged_value_id, time, value)

3 D

  1. surface (x, y, z)
  2. scatter plot with variable as size per point (x, y, size)
  3. 2d black and white image (x, y, pixel_value)
  4. moves log from a game of ‘battleship’ (index: move number, x-coord, y-coord, hit/miss)
  5. consecutive pulses of CP 1919 (time, x, y)

4 D

  1. surface plus coloration, (x, y, z, color_label)
  2. surface change over time (x, y, z, time)

30 D

  1. Brain connectivity analysis of 30 regions

20, 000 D

human gene expression e.g.

Exercise - Battleship moves:

discussion point is this 3d or 4d?

is the move number a dimension or an index?

move_id column (A-J) row (1-10) hit
0 A 1 False
1 J 10 True
2 C 7 False


3d: move_id is an index!

  1. order sequence matters but not the specific value of the move number

4d: move_id is a dimension!

  1. odd or even tells you which player is making which move
  2. order sequence is important, but when a specific moves get made might matter - what if you wanted to analyze moves as a function of game length?

There is always an index

  1. move_id is an index
  2. that doesn’t mean there is no information there
  3. you can perform some feature engineering with move_id
  4. this would up the dimensionality of the inital 3d dataset perhaps adding two more dimensions:
    1. player
    2. player’s move number

Exercise - Film:

consider a short, black and white, silent film, in 4K. It has the following properties:

  1. 1 minute long
  2. 25 frames per second
  3. 4K resolution i.e. 4096 × 2160.
  4. standard color depth 24 bits/pixel

Think of this film as a dataset, How many observations might there be?


60 seconds x 25 frames per second = 1500 frames or ‘observations’. Is there another way to think about this?

Exercise: How many dimensions are there per observation?


There are three dimensions per observation:

  1. pixel row (0-2159)
  2. pixel col (0-4095)
  3. pixel grey value (0-255)

Exercise: How many dimensions would there be if the film was longer, or shorter?


  1. The number of dimensions would NOT change.
  2. There would simply be a greater or fewer number of ‘observations’

Exercise: How many dimensions would there be if the film was in color?


4 dimensions.

There is an extra dimension per observation now.

  1. channel value (red, green, blue)
  2. pixel row (0-2159)
  3. pixel col (0-4095)
  4. pixel intensity (0-255)

Exercise: Titanic dataset

Look at the kaggle Titantic Dataset.

passenger_id pclass name sex age sibsp parch ticket fare cabin embarked boat body home.dest survived
1216 3 Smyth, Miss. Julia female   0 0 335432 7.7333   Q 13     1
699 3 Cacic, Mr. Luka male 38.0 0 0 315089 8.6625   S     Croatia 0
1267 3 Van Impe, Mrs. Jean Baptiste (Rosalie Paula Govaert) female 30.0 1 1 345773 24.15   S       0
449 2 Hocking, Mrs. Elizabeth (Eliza Needs) female 54.0 1 3 29105 23.0   S 4   Cornwall / Akron, OH 1
576 2 Veal, Mr. James male 40.0 0 0 28221 13.0   S     Barre, Co Washington, VT 0

What column is the index?



Exercise: What columns are the dimensions?


  1. pclass
  2. name
  3. sex
  4. age
  5. sibsp
  6. parch
  7. ticket
  8. fare
  9. cabin
  10. embarked
  11. survived

Exercise: how many dimensions are there?



Exercise: Imagine building a model to predict survival on the titantic

  1. would you use every dimension?
  2. what makes a dimension useful?
  3. could you remove some dimensions?
  4. could you combine some dimensions?
  5. how would you combine those dimensions?
  6. do you have fewer dimensions after combining?
  7. do you have less information after combining?


  1. No, some variables are poor predictors and can be ignored
  2. If it is (anti-)correlated with survival (in some context) i.e. has information.
  3. Yes any mostly null columns are not useful (add no information), any highly correlated columns also (no additional information)
  4. Yes
  5. Maybe add SibSp and Parch into one ‘family count’.
  6. Yes.
  7. Yes, but more data than if columns had been excluded.

High-Dimensional Data

What is high-dimensional data? Unfortunately, there isn’t a precise definition. Oftentimes, when people use the term, they are referring to data that has so many features that it is difficult to determine which features are relevant to the research question (dozens or more). In a modeling context, however, high-dimensional data is usually defined as a dataset where the number of features approaches or exceeds the number of observations.

The “curse of dimensionality” generally refers to the issues that arise when dealing with data in high-dimensional spaces, where distances between data points become less meaningful and the data becomes more sparse. This can lead to challenges in terms of computational complexity, overfitting in machine learning models, difficulties in visualization, and the need for specialized techniques to handle such data effectively.

So, whether the term “high-dimensional data” is used to describe datasets with a large number of features or datasets with a very high number of features, the underlying challenges related to dimensionality are usually concerned with the same issues of increased complexity and difficulties in analysis and modeling.

End of part 1

in part two we’ll start exploring a new dataset

Key Points

  • data can be anything - as long as you can represent it in a computer

  • A dimension is a feature in a dataset - i.e. a column, but NOT an index.

  • an index is not a dimension